Elizabeth A. Boyle


Managing Editor of History and Theory

Elizabeth A. Boyle manages History and Theory’s operations, including processing submissions, copyediting, production, web management, and more. She is also the voice behind the journal’s social media accounts. Tweet us @histandtheojrnl!

Elizabeth received her PhD in English from Purdue University, her MA in English from the University of Delaware, and her dual BA in English and History from Binghamton University. Her dissertation, titled “She Will Be: Literary Authorship and the Coming Woman in the Postbellum United States,” interrogated intersections of artistry, modernity, and national identity in nineteenth-century American women’s literary activism. She has published work in Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature, American Literary Realism, ESQ, and Modern Fiction Studies, among other places.



Email: historyandtheory@wesleyan.edu; eaboyle@wesleyan.edu

Twitter: @boyle_ea


Laura Stark